The following sections describe the ways the plugin can support a projects application resource, upgrade and release file management. For further information about application resource, upgrade and release files see:
The plugin supports the management of erlang resource files by providing project packaging variables. These will be replaced by values on project packaging time. Provided project packaging variables currently include:
Only erlang-otp and erlang-std:
Only erlang-rel:
The plug-in can generate default versions of application resource and upgrade files for your project. This is done by the setup mojo. For further information please refer to the mojos documentation. For release projects there's also the possibility to generate default basic release and release upgrade files as well as a default empty system configuration.
Will be performed on erlang-otp or erlang-std project packaging. Checks include:
Will be performed on erlang-otp or erlang-std project packaging. Checks whether upgrade file has correct term structure.
Will be performed on erlang-rel project packaging. Checks include: