The following sections describe the ways the plugin can support a projects application resource, upgrade and release file management. For further information about application resource, upgrade and release files see:
The plugin supports the management of erlang resource files by providing project packaging variables. These will be replaced by values on project packaging time. Provided project packaging variables currently include:
Only erlang-otp and erlang-std:
Only erlang-rel:
The plug-in can generate default versions of the needed resource files for a project. This is done by the setup mojo. For further information please refer to the mojos documentation.
Because application and release upgrade files are way more complicated the plug-in offers several goals to generate more sensible defaults than the setup goal can. These mojos will compute the templates using already installed/deployed versions of the project. For more information about appup and relup generation please refer to the specific documentation:
Will be performed on erlang-otp or erlang-std project packaging. Checks include:
Will be performed on erlang-otp or erlang-std project packaging. Checks whether upgrade file has correct term structure.
Will be performed on erlang-rel project packaging. Checks include:
The release upgrade file relup is only checked for existence.
The system configuration file sys.config is only checked for existence.