Class ErlUtils

  extended by eu.lindenbaum.maven.util.ErlUtils

public final class ErlUtils
extends Object

Containing utilities related to erlang code execution.

Tobias Schlager , Gregory Haskins

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static String toApplicationTuples(org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact... artifacts)
          Returns a comma separated string of application version tuples taken from the given array of artifacts.
static String toApplicationTuples(CheckAppResult... applicationInfos)
          Returns a comma separated string of application version tuples taken from the given array of CheckAppResults.
static String toArtifactIdListing(Collection<org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact> artifacts)
          Generates a simple comma separated list of applications derived from the artifacts listed as dependencies.
static String toFileList(Collection<File> list, String prefix, String postfix)
          Converts a Collection of files into a string containing a valid erlang list.
static int toInt( object)
          Converts an OtpErlangInt or an OtpErlangUInt into an int using the object specific conversion function.
<T> String
toList(Collection<T> list, Predicate<T> p, String prefix, String postfix)
          Converts a Collection into a string containing a valid erlang list.
<T> String
toList(T[] array, Predicate<T> p, String prefix, String postfix)
          Converts an array into a string containing a valid erlang list.
static String toModuleList(Collection<File> list, String prefix, String postfix)
          Converts a Collection of erlang source or beam files into a string containing a valid erlang list of module names.
static String toString( object)
          Converts an OtpErlangObject into a String using the object specific conversion function.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ErlUtils()
Method Detail


public static <T> String toList(T[] array,
                                Predicate<T> p,
                                String prefix,
                                String postfix)
Converts an array into a string containing a valid erlang list.

array - to convert, maybe null
p - optional predicat whether to include a specific list element, maybe null
prefix - to prepend to an entry
postfix - to append to an entry
a string representing a valid erlang list


public static <T> String toList(Collection<T> list,
                                Predicate<T> p,
                                String prefix,
                                String postfix)
Converts a Collection into a string containing a valid erlang list.

list - to convert
p - optional predicat whether to include a specific list element, maybe null
prefix - to prepend to an entry
postfix - to append to an entry
a string representing a valid erlang list


public static String toFileList(Collection<File> list,
                                String prefix,
                                String postfix)
Converts a Collection of files into a string containing a valid erlang list. The files will be converted using File.getAbsolutePath(). The files will be checked for null and existence. The prefix and postfix Strings will be prepended/appended to every element of the list. This may be used to quote the returned paths correctly as erlang strings.

list - to convert
prefix - to prepend to an entry
postfix - to append to an entry
a string representing a valid erlang list


public static String toModuleList(Collection<File> list,
                                  String prefix,
                                  String postfix)
Converts a Collection of erlang source or beam files into a string containing a valid erlang list of module names. The files will be checked for null and existence. The prefix and postfix Strings will be prepended/appended to every element of the list. This may be used to quote the module list correctly.

list - to convert
prefix - to prepend to an entry
postfix - to append to an entry
a string representing a valid erlang list


public static String toString( object)
Converts an OtpErlangObject into a String using the object specific conversion function. If there is no specific string conversion function available the default OtpErlangObject.toString() is used. Empty OtpErlangLists will result in an empty String.

object - to convert
a non-null, trimmed String object


public static int toInt( object)
Converts an OtpErlangInt or an OtpErlangUInt into an int using the object specific conversion function. If the conversion can't be performed, or throws an error during conversion, the value 0 is always returned.

object - to convert
the object int value or 0 if unable to convert


public static String toApplicationTuples(org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact... artifacts)
Returns a comma separated string of application version tuples taken from the given array of artifacts. Result string will look like {"app1", "version1"}, {"app2", "version2"}, ....

artifacts - to convert into application version tuples
a non-null String object


public static String toApplicationTuples(CheckAppResult... applicationInfos)
Returns a comma separated string of application version tuples taken from the given array of CheckAppResults. Result string will look like {"app1", "version1"}, {"app2", "version2"}, ....

applicationInfos - to convert into application version tuples
a non-null String object


public static String toArtifactIdListing(Collection<org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact> artifacts)
Generates a simple comma separated list of applications derived from the artifacts listed as dependencies. Intended to be used to fill in ${APPLICATIONS} in ResourceGenerator.

artifacts - to convert into an artifactId listing
a non-null String containing a valid erlang list

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