Class ErlangOtpLayout

  extended by eu.lindenbaum.maven.ErlangOtpLayout
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ErlangOtpLayout
extends Object
implements SourceLayout

Implementation of the SourceLayout interface for projects with packaging type PackagingType.ERLANG_OTP. Packaging type for Erlang/OTP applications with maven standard directory layout:

    +-- src/main/erlang ([ARTIFACTID].app, [ARTIFACTID].appup, *.erl, private *.hrl)
    +-- src/main/include (*.hrl)
    +-- src/main/priv (*)
    +-- src/test/include (*.hrl)
    +-- src/test/erlang (*.erl)
    +-- src/test/priv (*)
    +-- src/site/overview.edoc
    +-- target (build artifacts)
    +-- pom.xml

Tobias Schlager

Constructor Summary
ErlangOtpLayout(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project)
Method Summary
 File appFile()
          Returns the application resource file of an application project.
 File appupFile()
          Returns the application upgrade file of an application project.
 File base()
          Returns the base project directory.
 File ebin()
          Returns the directory where the application (upgrade) files reside.
 File include()
          Returns the directory where header files reside.
 File overviewEdoc()
          Returns the path to the application overview file overview.edoc.
 File priv()
          Returns the directory where the private resources reside.
 File relFile()
          Returns the release file of a release project.
 File relupFile()
          Returns the release upgrade file of a release project.
 File src()
          Returns the directory where the erlang sources reside.
 File sysConfigFile()
          Returns the system configuration file of a release project.
 File testInclude()
          Returns the directory where erlang include files for tests reside.
 File testPriv()
          Returns the directory where private test resources reside.
 Collection<File> testSrcs()
          Returns the directory where the erlang test source files reside.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ErlangOtpLayout(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project)
Method Detail


public File base()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the base project directory.

Specified by:
base in interface SourceLayout


public File ebin()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the directory where the application (upgrade) files reside.

Specified by:
ebin in interface SourceLayout


public File appFile()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the application resource file of an application project. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.

Specified by:
appFile in interface SourceLayout


public File appupFile()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the application upgrade file of an application project. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.

Specified by:
appupFile in interface SourceLayout


public File include()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the directory where header files reside.

Specified by:
include in interface SourceLayout


public File priv()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the directory where the private resources reside.

Specified by:
priv in interface SourceLayout


public File src()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the directory where the erlang sources reside.

Specified by:
src in interface SourceLayout


public File testInclude()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the directory where erlang include files for tests reside.

Specified by:
testInclude in interface SourceLayout


public File testPriv()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the directory where private test resources reside.

Specified by:
testPriv in interface SourceLayout


public Collection<File> testSrcs()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the directory where the erlang test source files reside.

Specified by:
testSrcs in interface SourceLayout


public File overviewEdoc()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the path to the application overview file overview.edoc.

Specified by:
overviewEdoc in interface SourceLayout


public File relFile()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the release file of a release project. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.

Specified by:
relFile in interface SourceLayout


public File relupFile()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the release upgrade file of a release project. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.

Specified by:
relupFile in interface SourceLayout


public File sysConfigFile()
Description copied from interface: SourceLayout
Returns the system configuration file of a release project. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.

Specified by:
sysConfigFile in interface SourceLayout

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