Package eu.lindenbaum.maven

Interface Summary
MavenComponents Represents a bean interface holding all maven components the plugin uses.
Properties Represents a bean interface holding all values the plugin needs to work.
SourceLayout Represents a bean interface holding the directory layout of a project's source directory (project sources/headers and resources go here).
TargetLayout Represents a bean interface holding the directory layout of a project's build directory (build artifacts go here).

Class Summary
DefaultMavenComponents Implementation of the MavenComponents bean that provides maven components to be used by the plugin.
DefaultTargetLayout Implementation of the TargetLayout bean defining the project's build directory layout.
ErlangMojo A base class for all Mojos that need to operate on values provided by the PropertiesImpl bean.
ErlangOtpLayout Implementation of the SourceLayout interface for projects with packaging type PackagingType.ERLANG_OTP.
ErlangRelLayout Implementation of the SourceLayout interface for projects with packaging type PackagingType.ERLANG_REL.
ErlangReport A base class for all MavenReports that need to operate on values provided by the PropertiesImpl bean.
ErlangStdLayout Implementation of the SourceLayout interface for projects with packaging type PackagingType.ERLANG_STD.

Enum Summary
PackagingType Enum for the supported packaging types.

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