Interface TargetLayout

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TargetLayout

Represents a bean interface holding the directory layout of a project's build directory (build artifacts go here).

Tobias Schlager

Method Summary
 File appFile()
          Returns the application resource file of an application project that will be packaged.
 File appupFile()
          Returns the application upgrade file of an application project that will be packaged.The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.
 File backendLog()
          Returns a File used to write the output generated from the plugin's backend nodes to.
 File base()
          Returns the base directory for the build artifacts.
 File coverageReports()
          Returns the directory where coverage reports will be put.
 File dialyzerOk()
          Returns a File used by the dialyzer to indicate whether the last dialyzer run was ok (no warnings/errors).
 File ebin()
          Returns the directory where the compiled sources will be placed into.
 File include()
          Returns the directory where includes to package will be put into.
 File lib()
          Returns the directory where dependencies get unpacked into.
 File overviewEdoc()
          Returns the path to the application overview file overview.edoc.
 File priv()
          Returns the directory where private resources will be put into.
 File profilingReports()
          Returns the directory where profiling reports will be put.
 File project()
          Returns the base directory for the project packaging.
 File projectArtifact()
          Returns the File representing the main build artifact of the project.
 File relFile()
          Returns the release file of a release project that will be packaged.
 File relupFile()
          Returns the release upgrade file of a release project that will be packaged.
 File src()
          Returns the directory where sources to package will be put into.
 File surefireReports()
          Returns the directory where surefire test reports will be put.
 File sysConfigFile()
          Returns the system configuration file of a release project that will be packaged.
 File test()
          Returns the base directory for the tests.
 File testEbin()
          Returns the directory where the compiled test sources and recompiled sources will be placed into.
 File testInclude()
          Returns the directory where the include for test compilation will be placed into.
 File testPriv()
          Returns the directory where the main and test resources will be put into (test resources will override main resources).

Method Detail


File base()
Returns the base directory for the build artifacts.


File lib()
Returns the directory where dependencies get unpacked into.


File projectArtifact()
Returns the File representing the main build artifact of the project. This will be used for mvn install/deploy.


File dialyzerOk()
Returns a File used by the dialyzer to indicate whether the last dialyzer run was ok (no warnings/errors).


File backendLog()
Returns a File used to write the output generated from the plugin's backend nodes to.


File project()
Returns the base directory for the project packaging.


File appFile()
Returns the application resource file of an application project that will be packaged. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.


File appupFile()
Returns the application upgrade file of an application project that will be packaged.The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.


File ebin()
Returns the directory where the compiled sources will be placed into.


File include()
Returns the directory where includes to package will be put into.


File priv()
Returns the directory where private resources will be put into.


File src()
Returns the directory where sources to package will be put into.


File test()
Returns the base directory for the tests. This will be accessibly during the test phase by calling code:lib_dir($APPNAME).


File testEbin()
Returns the directory where the compiled test sources and recompiled sources will be placed into.


File testInclude()
Returns the directory where the include for test compilation will be placed into.


File testPriv()
Returns the directory where the main and test resources will be put into (test resources will override main resources). This will be accessibly during the test phase by calling code:lib_dir($APPNAME, priv).


File overviewEdoc()
Returns the path to the application overview file overview.edoc.


File surefireReports()
Returns the directory where surefire test reports will be put.


File coverageReports()
Returns the directory where coverage reports will be put.


File profilingReports()
Returns the directory where profiling reports will be put.


File relFile()
Returns the release file of a release project that will be packaged. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.


File relupFile()
Returns the release upgrade file of a release project that will be packaged. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.


File sysConfigFile()
Returns the system configuration file of a release project that will be packaged. The returned File is not guaranteed to exist.

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