Package eu.lindenbaum.maven.erlang

Interface Summary
CheckAppResult Interface representing the result returned by the CheckAppScript.
CompilerResult Interface representing the result returned by the BeamCompilerScript.
CoverageReportResult Coverage report results for some project.
GenericScriptResult Interface representing a generic result of a Script execution providing a success qualifier and output to log.
ProfilingResult Interface representing the result returned by the ProfilingScript.
RuntimeInfo Interface representing the result returned by the RuntimeInfoScript.
Script<T> Interface for classes representing erlang scripts.
TestResult Interface representing the result returned by the TestScript.

Class Summary
BeamCompilerScript A Script that can be used to compile erlang files.
CheckAppScript A Script that can be used to extract certain values from an erlang application file.
CheckAppUpScript A Script that checks the integrity (correct term format) of an application upgrade file.
CheckRelScript A Script that can be used to extract certain values from an erlang release file.
CoverageReportResult.Report Contains the coverage report data, available as a summary report for the complete coverage report and each module and with a map of the modules that were part of the coverage report.
CoverageReportScript A script that returns the coverage report for some project.
CreateRELEASESScript A Script that creates an initial RELEASES file from a specific release file.
DialyzerScript A Script that can be used to dialyze erlang files.
EDocScript A Script generating edoc documentation for an application using edoc:application/3.
FilterForAttributeScript A Script that filters a list of modules for the specification of a certain attribute.
GetAppupDirectiveScript A Script that returns the appup directive for a certain module.
GetAttributesScript A Script that returns the found values for some attributes in a list of modules.
LoadModulesScript A Script that loads a list of modules located in the current code paths.
MakeRelupScript A Script creating a release upgrade file template using systools:make_relup/4.
MakeScriptScript A Script generating release scripts using systools:make_script/2.
MakeTarScript A Script creating the release .tar.gz using systools:make_tar/2.
MavenSelf A wrapper around an OtpSelf node that acts as a connection cache for destination erlang nodes.
NodeShutdownHook Provides JVM unique shutdown hooks that stop erlang backend nodes.
ProfilingResult.Report Contains the profiling report row-data.
ProfilingScript A Script that executing and profiles a list of (eunit) tests using eprof.
PurgeModulesScript A Script that purges all modules currently loaded except the ones loaded directly from the backends lib directory retrieved using code:lib_dir/0 or belonging to the Emacs/distel project.
RunProjectScript A Script starting a list of erlang applications on a specific node.
RuntimeInfoScript A Script that can be used to retrieve runtime information from the plugins backend node.
TestScript A Script executing a list of (eunit) tests.
UploadReleaseScript A Script that uploads a release package into a specific nodes releases directory.
UploadScript A Script that uploads a list of compiled modules and application files onto a specific (remote) node.

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