Package eu.lindenbaum.maven.mojo

Class Summary
BackendInitializer Mojo that starts the erlang node used as a backend for rpcs made by the plugin.
DependencyExtractor Unpack erlang-otp or erlang-std dependencies.
DependencyLoader Mojo that first purges all dynamically loaded modules on the backend node and reloads the modules provided by (unpacked) dependencies.
Dialyzer This Mojo runs the erlang dialyzer tool on the project sources as well as the project includes.
ProjectRunner A Mojo that runs erlang projects on a specific (remote) node.
ProjectUploader This Mojo uploads a project onto a remote node.
Setup Utility goal that will setup a new Erlang/OTP Maven project, creating the basic resources and folders required, from a best practice point of view.
Validator Mojo that checks the project configuration for legal values.

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