
Class Summary
AppupGenerator This Mojo will generate an application upgrade file template for an application.
Compiler This Mojo compiles the projects erlang sources.
Coverage Runs a test coverage analysis on the modules in of the project, optionally printing the result to console.
HelpMojo Display help information on maven-erlang-plugin.
Packager This Mojo packages all application artifacts into a single .tar.gz package.
Profiler Runs the test modules, recording the number of function calls, and the execution time, of modules in the current project using eprof.
ResourceGenerator Copies all resource files into that target directory structure.
ShowBuildInfo This Mojo outputs the build information ascertained by maven to compile Erlang sources.
TestCompiler Compile erlang test sources and recompile erlang sources with the options debug_info, export_all and {d, 'TEST'}.
TestDependencyLoader Mojo that first purges all dynamically loaded modules on the test backend node and reloads the modules provided by (unpacked) dependencies.
TestInitializer Mojo that starts the test erlang node used as a backend for rpcs made by the plugin.
TestResourceGenerator Copies all test resource files into that target directory structure.
TestRunner A Mojo that runs test modules using eunit.
TestUploader This Mojo uploads an application's modules compiled for test execution and the application's tests onto a remote node.

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